The Strategy of Making Predictions: Flood of Decisions

When you are young and full of hopes, many life choices are ahead of you. Every decision you make has many different consequences. The key choices that define your future are the college you are going to pick and a major there. The flood of these important decisions can make you drown and get depressed. To avoid this unpleasant experience, you can try using the techniques of making accurate predictions.

Many students are not sure about what vocation suits them. They often take some time after graduating from school to analyze their priorities. Others do not want to waste time and analyze the current trends and demands to choose a popular profession. It might be the right thing to do due to the fast-changing environment that we live in. Many professions become obsolete due to the digitalization of our society. So, it would be nice to be able to make accurate predictions as to what jobs will still be popular in the future. If you want to know how to make such predictions, continue reading this article.

Techniques of Avoiding Decision Floods

It is worth mentioning right away that a prediction has little in common with intuition. Of course, there is a point in trusting your guts when it comes to big decisions. However, 80% of your decision-making process should rely on evidence, facts, and common knowledge.

You might have heard about the strategy of making predictions in reading. It makes the reading process more interesting. When you analyze the data that is available – the title, the style of an author, the topic, etc. – you can suggest what is going to happen. Then, it is exciting to find out if you were right or wrong. Teachers often use various methods to improve these skills in their students. The same approach can be applied to your daily routine. Make plans/predictions and see what happens next. To do that, collect all the data you have to make an informed decision.

Predicting floods can be a good example of the approach you might consider using. Tools like FloodIntel gather the necessary data of internal and external factors to make accurate predictions. The information they need will include:

  • Amount of rainfall

  • Change in river stage so that it’s possible to define the scale of the possible threat

  • Type of forecasted storm

  • Topography, vegetation cover, and impassable area

All of these points help to evaluate the probability of a threat and its possible damage. It is good to be prepared for any of the possible scenarios. As you can see, these are the external factors that have an impact on floods. Internal elements such as the human factor, panic, etc. also influence the predictions. When a machine makes the computations, the probability of getting an accurate result might be higher.

When you need to choose a future profession, you need to rely on the skills and talents you already have and objectively evaluate their potential development first. Then, analyze your interests and passions. Are there any correlations between them and the skills that you have? Understanding this will help you narrow down the list of possible options.

Now it’s time to address the external factors. On one hand, you can notice that professions where there is no need for spontaneous decisions or creativity get absorbed by the machines. Digitalization is the way we’ve picked for our future. Therefore, all the professions that require you to come up with a non-trivial creative approach will be popular in the future. Many job descriptions of the past included routine and monotonous types of work. It is safe to make a prediction that they will no longer be operated by humans within a few years from now. It is a major change that has many positive consequences. You will not have to torture yourself with a boring routine. Instead, you will be able to spend time creating something new and exciting.

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On the other hand, you can analyze not only the professions that are going to become obsolete but also those that appear due to new demands. Neuromarketologist, alternative energy engineer, robotics engineers – these are just a few examples of the career paths that become available. Your task is to predict which of them will survive the high competition with machines and artificial intelligence. Most probably, when it comes to creativity and spontaneity, people still outrun machines. Will this statement be true in a couple of years? Make your prediction and we will see.