IEEE format

The Challenges of Using IEEE Format

The first thing worth mentioning is that you should never regret choosing Computer Science or Information Technologies as a major after you get a writing assignment in IEEE format. No one said that studying was going to be easy, so you need to face the obstacles and learn how to overcome them. This article will help you do just that. Writing any paper is always a challenge. However, when it comes to programming and computer science, you will need to face difficulties on a whole other level. Using IEEE formatting is one of them. So, what is it? Why is it so scary?

To begin with, you need to know what the acronym stands for Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. It is a well-known association of technical specialists. It also gives an inspiring example to all the students who wish to dedicate their careers to one of the technical disciplines.

IEEE Specifics

If you are familiar with the Chicago formatting style, you will find IEEE to have similar instructions. This style applies to research projects in computer science. One of its distinctive characteristics is that you will need to number the citations and include citation numbers in the text using square brackets. It sounds simpler than it is. Here are some examples for you to visualize the instructions:

  • “… as indicated by Donald Ervin Knuth [3], as mentioned before.”

  • “According to the theoretical computer science, the phenomenon dates back to 1989 [2].”

  • “For example, see [8].”

What should you be aware of when working with IEEE references? Here are the key points to keep in mind:

  • a number of the citation you are using

  • the name of the author of a particular citation

  • the title of the source that you are using

  • publication information (place, date)

  • specifics about a citation (page number, issue, etc.)

What Your Paper Needs to Look Like

You have learned about the basic requirements. Now it is time to move on to the structure of your research study. If you want it to look flawless, here is what you need to do.

Title page

There are no big surprises here. Just make sure you follow all the instructions and mention all the details.


Your research project in computer science should include this short paragraph of approximately 300 words. Mention the main goal you are seeking to achieve by writing the paper and the way you are planning to achieve it. Do not be too specific as you have a whole paper ahead of you. One of the key points of your abstract will be the index terms. To do everything properly, you need to use bold type and alphabetical order.


Computer science would not be so interesting without the math part. When you use in-text equations, make sure to number them from the beginning of your project to the end. You will simplify the task for all the scholars who are going to use your paper as a starting point in their projects.


You will, without a doubt, have someone to thank after doing such a massive piece of work. Include it as a final part of your project to mention everyone who contributed to it. Here are some of the expressions you can use:

  • I would like to acknowledge

  • The assistance provided by … has largely affected the research.

  • I would like to thank the following people who greatly contributed to the research.


It is time for the fun part. The only thing you need to keep in mind is to number the references. Do not try to use the same number for several references, as it will not work for IEEE format.

What should be in a reference? First, indicate the right number of the in-text quote. Then, write an author’s name, and specify the title, place, and date of publication. Final tips: align references left and single-space each entry.

Why Are References So Important?

As you can see, scholars dedicate a lot of attention to referencing. You need to follow specific instructions to do everything properly. But what is the point of making the lives of students so hard? Here are some of the important reasons for prioritizing the question of citing and referencing.

To demonstrate your scholarly abilities. Nothing shows your hard work better than a list of good references. By good, we mean credible and relevant. Do not go for the quantity and focus on the quality instead. It is also a perfect indicator of the trustworthiness of your paper. Remember that you can use the ideas of other authors not only to prove your point. In case you disagree with the citation that you use, use your counter argumentation to make your point clear.

To build a good reputation. Using someone else’s ideas without giving them credit says a lot about your professionalism. No reputable scholar would put their reputation at a risk. Therefore, do not try to stand on the shoulders of giants without asking them for permission. If there is one thing that you want to avoid during your career, it’s plagiarism. You should know that IEEE has a strict definition for this term. So, if you are planning to impress the scientific community with your findings, make sure they are original.

To show your respect. If you decide to use the ideas of other scholars, it means that you find these statements to be well-observed and useful. Therefore, it is logical that you respect those who came up with these statements. The least you can do is to show your respect for their hard work by referencing them. Naturally, by doing so, you also demonstrate your serious attitude towards this research study. The names you include in your paper can sometimes tell the readers a lot more than the content itself.

To simplify the lives of other scholars. The list of sources that you include in your project will make it easier for other scholars to do their studies. They will read your findings. In case they have any further questions, they will know where to find the answers. It is like giving your peers a hint of what the next steps of this project might be. The list of sources will shed light on the subject.

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