You Do Not Know This About Argentina

When someone mentions this beautiful country, the top-of-mind associations are couples dancing the tango, people enjoying juicy steaks, and perhaps thousands of fans cheering their favorite football team. However, Argentina has many more aspects to it. The best way to discover all of them is to travel there. However, if you don’t have such an opportunity, we suggest you check out this collection of exciting facts about Argentina. They will especially be useful when you need to do a research study. By the way, you are always welcome to use our research paper writing service. Meanwhile, let’s take a look at the facts about Argentina.

The Mystery of the Name

If you’ve ever wondered where the name Argentina comes from, you’re about to find out. The name comes from the Latin word Argentum which means silver. In the past, the conquerors from Europe came here to mine silver. Therefore, they decided to give the country a logical name. Even though the regions nearby can boast of having more reservoirs of this precious metal, Argentina remains to be the land of silver.

Passion for Football

If you want to name your child after Messi, you can’t do it in case you leave in the football star’s hometown – Rosario. The government officials introduced this limitation to avoid further confusion in case many more newborns were to be named after Lionel Messi. It might be a fair decision due to the big passion of all the Argentinians when it comes to football. To give you another proof of that, consider the fact that Maradona has his own church and religion. The Iglesia Maradoniana appeared in 1998 in his hometown. The love of fans is almost limitless.

Very Late Dinners

If you travel to Argentina one day and get invited to a dinner, you need to know that it will not start until 9 pm. Argentinians like late dinners that can last till the morning of the next day. In case you are wondering how to survive from lunch to dinner, there is a simple answer: Merienda. It is a time around 5 pm when you can have a snack and a beverage almost in any cafe or restaurant. The most popular snack is medialunas – a form of pastry that can have either a sweet or savory feeling.

Another Fact About Dinners

You will notice that many restaurants add a special dish to their menu on the 29th day of every month – gnocchi. The tradition has Italian roots as there were many Italian emigrants. Argentinians put a coin under their plate with gnocchi to attract good luck and happiness. So, if you visit Argentina at the end of a month, you will have the chance to take part in this nice tradition.

Unexpected Fact About Dinosaurs

You will be surprised to learn that the largest dinosaurs were found in Argentina. Most of the fossils were found in Patagonia, a beautiful region of Argentina that used to be filled with forests and meadows a long time ago. Now it looks like a desert but still takes your breath away due to its beauty and the feeling of limitless space. As to the biggest dinosaur, Titanosaur, the archeologists believe it might have weighed around 77 tons. So, the endless space of Patagonia was the perfect place for this big guy to live and chill.

You can find many more compelling facts about this amazing country online or ask someone from that region to share them with you. We have nothing else to add except for a reminder that this is the right place for you to get help from experienced specialists in various disciplines. Is this the place where I can do my homework with the help of experts? Yes, it is!